Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Segment Value Security Rules

Introduction: Segment value security rules are setup on value sets to control access to parent or detail segment values for chart of accounts segments. Segment value security rules restrict data entry, online inquiry, and reporting. These are basically used for Non Balancing segment values security. Since we can control the access for Balancing segment values through Manage Data Access Sets.

Business case:

Data Access Sets

Ledger Name

Balancing Segment


User A

User B

US Primary Ledger









Security Rules

Ledger Name

Cost Center


User A

User B

US Primary Ledger






Division US




·         Define roles for segment value security rules.

·         Enable segment value security for the value set.

·         Define the conditions.

·         Define the policies.

·         Deploy the accounting flexfield.

·         Publish the account hierarchies.

·         Assign segment value security roles to users.

Below picture illustrates steps for defining and implementing security rules for segment values.

Note: When you enable security on a value set, access to all values for that value set is denied.

Working Example: This example demonstrates how to enable security on a chart of accounts to control access to specific segment (Cost Center) values.

While creating journals by default, we are able to see all the values in cost center segment LOV. For this scenario, we need to control the access to 110 and 120.

Step 1: Create a custom job role solely for the purpose of segment value security. This role is then assigned to the users who need access. For this scenario, we created a role: VIS_General Accountant. 

Step 2: Navigate to ‘Manage Segment Value Security Rules’ task

Use the Manage Segment Value Security Rules task to enable security on the cost center value set associated with the chart of accounts.

Step 3: Enable the Security and Enter the Data Security Resource Name.

Step 4: Click on Save and Click on Edit Data Security button.

Step 5: Create a condition for the value set. For example, the condition (CostCenter110120) for the cost center is that the value must be equal to 110 or must be equal to 120.

Select Match as Any for OR operation; All for AND operation. Click Save.

Step 6: Create a policy to associate the conditions to the roles. For example, create a policy (CorpCostCenter110120) to assign the condition CostCenter110120 to the role VIS_General Accountant Role.

Enter Role code instead of Role Name. And select fscm as Application.

Step 7: Select Multiple Values as row set and assign condition to the policy.

Click Save and close.

Click Save and Submit.

Step 8: Navigate to Manage Chart of Accounts Structures.

 Select the module and click Deploy Flexfield.

Optionally, Publish the account hierarchies.

Use the Security Console to assign the appropriate role to the appropriate user. For example, assign the role VIS_General Accountant role to the users who should have access to the cost centers 110 and 120. Login as that user and verify in the Create journal screen.  Only cost centers 110 and 120 are visible as below.

Since, enabling data security on the value set will deny the access to all values for that value set. Which means other users who do not have VIS_General Accountant Role will not be able to access any values of Cost Center Segment.

We can define another similar Policy to provide access to All values of the Value set and assign to a custom role solely created to provide access to all the values of the value set. Use the Security Console to assign this role to the appropriate users who should have access to all the cost centers.

Note: It is not necessary to create a condition for this and we need to select All Values as row set.

Reference links: 

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